*stretches* yawn... omg...how long has it been since I last came here. Peeee-yeww, look at all the dust around this place, yikes. I'll just vacuum this little place for a while...
*sound of vacuum cleaner*.............................................................................................................*takes a gulp of water before continuing*......................................................
DONE! Look at this place! Good as new! Am I a pro, or am I a PRO?!
Anyways, The holidays are HHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEE! I bet EVERYONE must've put the same slogan in THEIR blogs, right? I mean, what's there not to like about holidays???
The good stuff!1)Spending the whole day doing ABSOLUTELY nothing! Why? Cuz we CAN, got it?
2)Getting up at 7 pm and sleeping at 6 am!! Whoa...we're owls! I've always liked owls! Did you know that owls have the most-.........I could talk about 'em forever.
5)Did I mention GAMES??!
6)Games! (just in case you missed the last one)
7)Games! (just checking)
8)Games Games and MORE Games!!! Normally I'm banned from the computer and my oh-so-lovely-I-would-do-anything-just-to-hold-you-once-again ps2! But the holidays have brought us so much closer together!
The BAD stuff!1)We're getting pretty lonely, aren't we? No friends....(except for my lovely ps2 of course)
2)That's it!
I'm gonna end it now, got a date with my ps2, can't keep her waiting, can I? Ciao, suckas!
P.S. I wanna watch WALL-E
P.P.S. Did I tell you that the holidays are all about games? No? Well, the holidays are all about games!
P.P.P.S. nothing...i just like adding those "P"s
Under The Meranti Tree,
just kidding...
Lee Yu- Games!
no, seriously...
Lee Yu Kit